
Kokeshi artisans often sign their work. Some do this by writing out their signature and others use a special seal or name stamp. These are usually done in red or black ink, but sometimes wood burning is used.

Aside from wanting to photograph these charming subjects, Project Kokeshi is also a way to honor and document which artists made the ones that I own. I hope that this information is also helpful to anyone else trying to identify their own kokeshi.

There are some that I have not been able to figure out yet, either because I cannot decipher the signature or because it was never signed. If you happen to be able to read the signature or distinguish the artisan's style, please let me know. I would love to properly recognize and credit the creators behind these works of art.

Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you are having trouble identifying your own kokeshi - I am happy to help if I can!




